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  1. Sena, how did it all begin with you and the music?
  2. Who influenced you the most as a musician?
  3. What made you transform from an Actress to a Poet and Spoken Word Performer to a Songwriter and Singer?
  4. Is there a difference between writing poetry and writing songs?<
  5. What do you like the most, acting, writing Poetry or writing Songs and Sing?
  6. How do you manage all your tasks? You also create Fashion, a whole other business, how much can you accomplish altogether?
  7. Speaking about dreams, what are you up to, any plans?

5. What do you like the most, acting, writing Poetry or writing Songs and sing?

Would you ask a mother whom of her triplets she likes the most?

I am a storyteller, and I use all forms. I want to entertain you all and give you something different to think about. You see, performing and singing is also acting, it's acting out your feelings and thoughts with music, that's all connected, I realize, all these pieces of a puzzle, everything I did over these years is a logic development, this transformation over two decades, I am used to several parallel universes , it's a natural state of mind for me


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